Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, May 24, 2015: Floating Over Bagan’s 4,000 Temples, Myanmar

A bird’s view of the 4.000 temples of Bagan, from a Hot Air Balloon, left us thunderstruck!  Yes, seeing Bagan from that perspective was definitely an experience of a lifetime! Besides, it is probably one of the best and most scenic places to have your first balloon flight…


The whole flight was a string of artistic maneuverings that allowed everyone to get a perfect view of each temple, of every sight. That performance included going up to 700 feet and down as low as a few feet above the ground. These changing perspectives offered amazing views of the temples.




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9 years ago

The photos seem as though they might have been taken on a different planet,,,beautiful images!

9 years ago

What a fantastic experience; the temples are so beautiful!! Great photos!

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