Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, May 6th, 2015: Fish Creek Park

Fish Creek Park


My favorite place in the world:  Bebo Grove in Fish Creek Park.  This was taken after a lovely evening stroll, one of so many, in the Grove.  It is so beautiful there and abundant with wildlife.  In the springtime, the does come through with their fawns and there has been many times when I have been sitting reading and they have walked right up beside me to graze.  I could have reached out and touched them.  The moms are calm and know you are not a threat but the fawns are cautious and curious, you can see it in their eyes that they are trying to figure you out.  the birds are wonderful to watch too and sometimes, if you are quiet and patient, they will land on your hand!

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9 years ago

Beautiful! And light in a range we never see in the city.

9 years ago

PHeymont — It seems Still Country Photo has lulled you into a misconception.


Fish Creek Provincial Park is in the heart of Calgary, one of the largest urban parks in Canada.


That’s what the air looks like when it’s clean.  

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