Ferry Service to Cuba Approved by US


Photo by GarryRF

Four companies  stated they were told today of ferry service approvals by the U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments. US Treasury has confirmed they issued ferry licenses but would not say how many were approved. Cuba must also approve before ferry service can start.  One of the companies, Havana Ferry,  plans to charge passengers roughly $300 to $350 round-trip and allow 200 lbs of baggage per passenger.

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9 years ago

The Ferry from Liverpool. UK to Ireland takes 8 hours.

That will cost $300.

For a car and 2 passengers.


Only $60 (£40) for a foot passenger.

And that’s return too. No baggage charges.



The high speed catamaran often gets stuck in port when the weather turns stormy.

The Catamaran  may be stuck in Havana for a few days with 200 passengers on board.



SEACAT arriving in Liverpool.



9 years ago

I see that there are actually some fares quite a bit cheaper on that
ferry, but I’m surprised it should be so busy when it’s clearly more
than the cost of Ryanair+car rental for a few days…so who is the
“audience” for that route? I actually wondered the same thing about
Havana…are there enough people who want to go but don’t want to fly?

9 years ago

The Ferry travels mostly with Trucks and trailers from the UK and Europe.

Fresh produce and manufactured goods.

Then its folks on vacation with their car and the occasional  caravan.

From the UK and Europe. 

Many prefer their own car when touring Ireland for a few weeks.

Full of kids survival kits. Wellington Boots and a beach bucket and spade !

Many travel with tents and trailer tents.

And you can continue on from Ireland to Scotland.

Travelling on the ferry can be a pleasant day.

On board entertainment. Dining and Cinema.

Or enjoy the roll of the sea !




9 years ago

I guess I’m so focused on passenger issues that I completely missed the
importance of a route like that for shippers. I’ll bet that’s what could
ultimately keep the Florida-Cuba service humming.

9 years ago

I hope so Paul.

I’m happy to take stuff that I don’t use anymore.

I’m sure their families living in the US bring clothes and shoes.

Medicines too.

And of course cash.

Did you know the Cubans have to pay income tax on gifts from their family ?

9 years ago

$300 for a ferry trip sounds extortionate Rob.

As Cuba slowly becomes an acceptable destination, it appears that too many groups want to line their pockets with the proceeds of repatriation of broken families. 


9 years ago

I’m thinking that maybe $300 doesn’t compare too badly with round-trip airfare…especially if you really are carrying 200 pounds of baggage…


In the long run, I’ve always thought, Florida to the Caribbean seems like a natural for a high-speed catamaran service…

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