Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, April 30, 2015: Icelandic horses

Icelandic horses, South Iceland


I’ve a great fondness for Icelandic horses.  Besides having the greatest haircuts of any animal on the planet, these smallish equines are friendly, curious, and add a lot of color to Iceland’s already dramatic landscapes.  There are more horses living in Iceland that people.


Icelandic horses are descendents of the mounts the Vikings brought to the island over a thousand years ago.  Their genealogy is well documented and they are well-loved and cared for.  Riding trails are found throughout the island and horseback riding is very popular in Iceland.  My wife loves riding horses and loved the smooth stride of these Icelandic ponies as they moved over the rough volcanic ground.



Icelandic horses, South Iceland

Icelandic horses, South Iceland

Icelandic horses

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