TSA Pre-Check: Less access if you’re not signed up

TSA’s Pre-Check, which allows travelers to pass through airport security without having to remove shoes, unpack laptops and generally move faster, will focus on passengers directly enrolled in the program, or in other government “Trusted Traveler” programs such as Global Entry or Sentri.


That means fewer waves into the Pre-Check lane for those whose eligibility is based on elite status with an airline.


As more and more people have joined the TT programs, demand at the gate has grown faster than the facilities at some airports, so at least for now, signing up for a TT program is your best way at getting Pre-Check treatment.


American Airlines e-mailed AAdvantage members today, advising them of the situation and giving information on signing up for the programs; other airlines are likely to do so also.


From FrequentBusinessTraveler.com, MORE 


Photo: Transportation Security Administration

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