New aluminum battery could be traveler’s best friend

Imagine a smartphone battery that could recharge fully in just over a minute, could be recharged 7500 times, and is lighter than any battery you’ve ever had. And, oh yes, it can’t catch fire as lithium-ion batteries can, and it’s easier to recycle.



Sounds much too good to be true…and it IS a little bit away from production…but that may not be true for long. While it has to be worked on some more to produce full-power output, a team of scientists and engineers at Stanford University is close-enough to have published their research and progress in peer-reviewed journal Nature. Prof. Hongjie Dai, who leads the team, pointed out another plus of the battery, too: since the aluminum battery is thin and flexible, it allows it to be used in devices of many shapes.


Here’s a video in which some of the team members explain more.





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9 years ago

It might just revolutionize consumer electronics — and perhaps even make battery powered cars and such a more feasible option.

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