Will foreign transactions fees fade away?

Foreign transaction fees, that annoying 3% (usual rate) that your card issuer charges to translate your 100€ hotel room into dollars, seem to be fading…but slowly, according to a survey by creditcards.com.


The fees, which can add up to a tidy sum over the course of a trip are assessed on both purchase and ATM transactions. Until recently, cards that did not charge them were few and far between, and offered mainly to high-end travelers. Capital One changed that picture a few years ago, and now most issuers have at least some no-fee offerings.


According to Creditcard.com’s survey of cards issued by 12 major issuers, all but one (USAA) have at least one no-fee offering, and most have several aimed at different publics or connected to different loyalty programs. For more details, see the report on Creditcard.com’s site


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