July 2, 2014

Better Burgers? Go West, Young Man

TripAdvisor has posted a list of what its survey says are the 10 Best Burgers in the U.S., and 6 out of 10 are located “out west” of the Mississippi. Of the others, one is in St. Paul MN on the east bank of the river; the others are two in Florida and…

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Borneo: Last Stop, Kuching

The impetus for my trip to Borneo came, as it often does for me, from a casual reference or suggestion, in this case both.  First was a phrase I’d seen in passing, “White Rajas of Borneo”. 

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Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, July 2nd, 2014: Macaws

On a trip to the Mayan Riviera, I went to a park called Xel Ha to do some snorkelling and sightseeing.  I was captivated by these Macaws, their bright colours are such a contrast to their surroundings.  I am fascinated by them and the way…

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Better Burgers? Go West, Young Man

TripAdvisor has posted a list of what its survey says are the 10 Best Burgers in the U.S., and 6 out of 10 are located “out west” of the Mississippi. Of the others, one is in St. Paul MN on the east bank of the river; the others are two in Florida and…

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Borneo: Last Stop, Kuching

The impetus for my trip to Borneo came, as it often does for me, from a casual reference or suggestion, in this case both.  First was a phrase I’d seen in passing, “White Rajas of Borneo”. 

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