Where Gumbo was #8.8. Parknasilla Resort, Ring of Kerry, Ireland

Entrance to Parknasilla Resort, Ring of Kerry

Gumbo, the slippery little devil, remained elusive this time around.  Some good guesses, but no one recognizing the place or area.

Gumbo was visiting the Parknasilla Resort on Ireland’s famous Ring of Kerry.  The resort is situated in the south-eastern part of the drive, not far from Sneem and Kenmare.  Parknasilla is a well known Irish luxury hotel that has been catering to royalty, writers, artists and actors for more than a hundred years.   I, as a humble country doctor, am not of this clientele.

Entrance to Parknasilla Resort, Ring of Kerry

 (Back of the Parknasilla Resort, Ring of Kerry, Ireland)

The Parknasilla Hotel has 83 rooms and sits on 500 acres of land, with hiking trails leading to the beaches of Kenmare Bay and on clear days beautiful views of the distant Beara peninsula.  The vegetation in western Ireland can vary from plants typical of a subtropical region to those more usually found in the Arctic.  This is because of the warm air the Gulf Stream brings to the region.  Snow is rare here, even though the resort is of same latitude as most Canadian cities.  The plants seen in the original WITW photo probably confused many of you into thinking this was a warmer destination, although the building looks very “British Isles-ish” to my eye.

View of Beara Peninsula and Kenmare Bay from Parknasilla Resort

(Kenmare Bay with views of Beara Peninsula, from the Parknasilla Resort)

You can read more about the Ring of Kerry on TravelGumbo by clicking this link.

Shoreline of Ivernagh peninsula close to the Parknasilla Resort


(Shore of the Ivernaugh Peninsula, near Parkanasilla Resort)

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11 years ago

abc got Ireland !    Bucked the crowd and came up with Ireland !  Yea for abc !

Do I earn a trip to the resort ?  catering to royalty, writers, artists and actors and Gumboites.

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